Well, it looks to be officially autum here in Germany, now. Even though the sun is out, shining brilliantly today, its still rather cold. The entire weekend was a rather cold and rainy affair too, sunny only for a bit on Sunday. Despite the weather (or maybe because of the weather, I do like fall), I had a really good weekend. Friday night was fun- went over to Alex/Emily's apartment (two girls also in the AYF program) who live just down the way from me in the StuSie complex. They have a really nice appartment, and I got the chance to really meet some of their roommates. We had a "Sing-Star" party, a game that is played by singing songs into a microphone, and which ever team wins the most songs, wins. We played two rounds- my team lost (specatcularly) one round, and won the last round. It was a real good time. Then we played a german card game, kind of similar to an American game I learned many years back, known as "Scum" or "P and A." Strange names, but the german name for it was even weirder. I dunno who comes up with names for card games... but they should probably be fired. Saturday was a really low key day. It rained. A lot. So I stayed in and watched movies, and talked to Marilyn for a while. From the chaos of the week, it was a strange feeling having nothing to do. I felt kind of bad though, I missed my make up call from Emily/Alex, there were some people going to France that morning. I woke up just about the time the bus left. Kind of frustrating, but I got to catch up on some sleep, that I had sorely needed. And besides, who plans a trip on a saturday morning to have to get up at 8:30? Not when I've spent the entire week getting up early and doing homework... I wanted a break. And thats what I got. Sounds like France was a bit of a bust, in any case. At least it didn't rain for them. Yesterday was another low key day. I got a little bit of homework done, read some Harry Potter (shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody by now), and had a lovely Italian dinner with some of the girls from StuSie. It was a lovely little Italien place, we talked about making a sunday night dinner there a tradition. I would love that.
Alright, the day is moving on, and I still have a bit more homework to finish up before I start class in a couple hours, so I must say farewell. Glad to see Michigan State won their football game with ease (and without Dantonio) on Saturday. Big game coming up on Saturday! The program is dominated with Wisconsin students, so I think there is going to be some trash talking this week. I won't get a chance to watch the game, I'm planning on joining some people on a trip to the 200th Oktoberfest! Should be fun.
"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.
-Robert Louis Stevenson