Friday, September 24, 2010

Well, today is friday, thank goodness! I haven't updated my blog in a while, since this week has been busy. Well, busy is putting it nicely. Up to my neck in things to do is another way of putting it. We had a mandatory meeting this morning to talk about scheduling classes. There was a lot of important information, and I'm worried that I'll have trouble keeping it all straight, seeing as how we don't start actually start signing up for classes for about two weeks, leaving plenty of time for me to forget everything I just heard. But I suppose thats why I can always ask the people in charge here for help.

I was supposed to give my presentation yesterday- but my handout didn't send properly via e-mail, so I was one of two people elected to go today instead. I would have preferred to just have it done and out of the way, but this way it gave me a little more time to think about some things I wanted to change. Okay, in reality it just made me more nervous, but at least I got to see everyone else go ahead of me, so I can borrow some of their styles or whatever. There were some pretty good presentations- I suppose thats because I'm in a class with kids who have either lived a decent portion of their life in Germany, or have dedicated a lot of their life to learning German. Not that I'm out of place, just that when you're giving a presentation to a room of your peers, it's a little intimidating.

This presentation is on top of the two tests and paper that was due this week, plus all the regular homework. I'm certainly not bored when I get home from classes, I'll tell you what.

But time is quickly wrapping up for these courses, which is unbelievable, since that means that we're almost entering October. Next wednesday marks one month from being away from home. I don't mean to sound rude, but I haven't really missed home much. Too much going on to think about everyone else, really.

Not much new to add on my end- Discovered a restaurant with unbelievable spaghetti, and from 6-7:30 pm its only 1,80€. Oh, and I've been eating a decent amount of ice cream this week, since the weather was suddenly very pleasant. Of course, being the weekend, the weather decided Friday should mark the first cloudy day all week, and a sharp drop in the temperature. It was even sprinkling a little on my walk over to the AYF Center where I am now.

I went to a soccer game on wednesday- it was a very long day, but the soccer game was really a blast! I liked it more than I liked football back in America. The game was incredible, but Freiburg gave up a goal within the last few minutes. Unfortunate that Freiburg had to lose to their rivals, Schalke. The whole town was wearing red and black on wednesday (SC Freiburg's colors, naturally), and anyone wearing blue was obviously an enemy. The Schalke fans all dressed in blue were rather boisterous, even before the game. I was really hoping that Freiburg would quiet them, and they almost did! So many close chances. Regardless, still a great game.

Well, its time to finish up my Referat (presentation), and then fill out a quick worksheet. Then all I have to do is sit through four hours of classes, give a presentation, and I'm home free!

"I had to experience everything very preciesely... I am such a realist, you know, that I have to see everything with my own eyes."
-Otto Dix

(Appropriate, since I'm giving a presentation on him!)

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